Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A blog about Bend? bleh.

There are a lot of effing blogs about Bend, Oregon. I read through a few of them, but none were of any particular interest. Sorry to the Bend bloggers association which probably exists. ANYWAY, I wanted to explain a bit about my current situation/why I live in Bend. So, to start with, I was not born in Bend. I don't know why that's important, but it just is. I moved here when I was eight and lived here for ten years. At age 18 I moved to Ashland, Oregon, which was dumb. Unless you move to Portland, Oregon, there is no real reason to leave whichever Oregon town you currently live in. All Oregon towns are the same...a depressing fact that I just realized. While in Ashland I got my bachelor's degree...a degree I have not used and probably won't use, but it's cool. About six months ago it became very apparent that I was going to have to move back to Bend. Long story short, I owe the federal government $11,ooo. Neat-o! So here I am...in Bend...livin' with my parents.

Though Bend was not my first, second, third, nor 30th choice, I had no money, no job prospects, no real "skills," and no magic to get these things! I don't know if you've heard about this or not, but we're in a recession, and it took me two months to find a job, but it's not a good job, it's actually a terrible retail job that sucks the life out of me and makes me want to hurt myself and others. Boo! So at the suggestion of my mom, who makes all my life decisions, I am blogging about stuff so that other stuff doesn't make me do bad stuff to myself or to other stuff.

So, what is this blog about? What is included in this blog? Why do people make blogs? What is water made of? What do all these questions have in common? None of them have an answer! See, now we're learning stuff. I have, however, come up with a list of things that are probably going to appear on this blog:

  • Stuff to do in Bend
  • Annoying people who annoy me
  • Lists!
  • Movies
  • TV
  • Music
  • Musings!?
  • Outdated references
  • Challenges I give to myself
  • Reviews!
  • More Musings!
  • Stories about cats
  • Things I wish to own
  • History!
  • Soda, and when to drink it
  • Comics
  • Food reviews
  • Guns*
  • Footnotes
  • And that's probably enough!

So please, read this blog. I'm going to update it as often as possible, which considering the fact that I don't own a computer, is only going to be about once a day.** Alright friends, I think it's time for me to go because my leg is doing a really weird thing today. What kind of thing???? Well, you'll have to check back tomorrow to hear that borderline interesting story!

*No, it won't

**Until my parents loan me money to buy one!

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